Workshops for Parents

Respectful communication is the key to successful relationships.? Yet many times respect is lost when conflict arises, or when others make decisions with which we don't agree.? And when respect is not maintained, relationships deteriorate.? In this broad-based workshop participants will learn the value of respect and the skills involved in maintaining a respectful attitude even in the face of anger or belligerance.? The workshop can be tailored to fit specific audiences in order to address either spousal relationships, parent-child interaction or parent-teacher interaction.?

In order for children to get the most out of their school experience, it's best if parents and teachers work closely together as a team. Often, however, communication is difficult and parents are puzzled by what they deem a "negative attitude" on the part of the teacher. This workshop will illuminate some causes of difficult parent - teacher relations, and give parents practical techniques that will help keep the lines of communication open and enable them to handle even the most frustrating of situations.

Why is it that children seem to be talking back at younger and younger ages? Do you find yourself thinking: “MY Mother / Father would NEVER have let me get away with this kind of talk”, and yet you aren’t quite sure how to handle it yourself? This workshop takes a comprehensive look at both the cause AND the cure for talking back. Practical ways to set your child up to use respectful words and behavior will be examined. We’ll also discover a technique that will help eliminate rudeness, “sassiness” and “fresh talk” in your

It is increasing critical that parents initiate and maintain ongoing dialogues with their children about safety issues. But most parents feel concerned that they will unduly frighten their child in the process. How much is too much? How much is too little? This practical workshop will discuss strategies and techniques that help parents talk to their children without frightening them, and at the same time will empower children with important information. This workshop is tailored to the appropriate developmental level of the ch

In the past, parents could rely on their children learning good values through role modeling alone. Children and parents lived in close, tight-knit communities where the values they saw were reflected in the everyday lives of the people around them. In today's society, however, with communities and family more widely dispersed, children are exposed to alternate values through peers, television and other forms of media. How do we keep kids on the right track? How do we help them balance the tempting, tantalizing images all around them with good internal sensibility?

The process of helping a child learn to use the toilet can be a rewarding experience that enriches the parent-child relationship. Armed with a few basic facts and simple step-by-step instructions, parents learn to lovingly guide their children through this natural process. The workshop also addresses how to handle children who are delayed in toilet learning, who withhold bowel movements, who prefer to stand or squat when having a bowel movement or who are afraid to use the toilet. PRACTICAL techniques for all of these challenges will be presented.

Single parents sometimes feel overwhelmed by the intensity of their own as well as their children's feelings. At times they may feel guilt about their single parent status, or insecure about whether they're doing a good job. With these feelings near the surface, it's sometimes painful for parents to see that their children also have feelings of insecurity, anger, guilt or sadness. Learn how to give the children in your single-parent household a sense of family and how to explore uncomfortable feelings without guilt or anxiety. Julie A.

When parents are asked to list what qualities they would most like to see in their children, honesty ranks high on the list. Yet every child at some point will experiment with lying, cheating or stealing. These forays into dishonesty need not cause parents to despair -- they can actually be an opportunity for parents to help their children internalize good values, and to further develop the parent-child relationship.

It's difficult for parents to see their children feeling hurt, angry, upset, sad. Learn why it's important that our children be allowed to feel their feelings, and how to resist "fixing it". These tools help parents be supportive and understanding, so hurt, angry, upset, sad feelings diminish more quickly for the child. Children end up feeling understood and become more resourceful problem solvers. The parent-child relationship is enriched in the process.

Most parents want to hear how things are going at school, what their children's friends are up to, how they like their teachers at school, but what happens when your child clams up? Or seems angry with you and won't communicate? Or is talking nonsense? Children sometimes answer questions about "how was your day" with a monosyllabic "fine" and parents are left wondering what there is to listen to! Other children, when trying to communicate problems, will scream and yell and parents aren't sure they even want to listen anymore!